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Personal Information

I am currently a junior at the University of St. Thomas studying computer science. In the summer of 2016 I had an internship for a company called Avanade. I was responsible for migrating legacy C++ code to C# as well as combining Visual Basic windows into more efficient "views" using the markup language XAML. This upcoming summer I will be working for the company Collins Aerospace using Visual Basic to create windows for their Aerospace software. During the school year I am a student worker at the Tech Desk and help troubleshoot problems pertaining to personal computers as well as faculty equipment. In my free time I enjoy listening to records and playing piano as well as playing video games. Once I graduate I hope to work in either web development on the front end side of things or in cyber security.

I grew up in Apple Valley Minnesota, and went to highschool at Eastview in the same city. In highschool I was involved in many different musical activities including the top jazz band, the musical, as well as the choir led musical where I played piano in all three.

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